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Game Programming

Visual Sound Reference

This is a new way to see an environment around a player or user.

When the user moves or uses the clap feature it creates sound references that do almost what echolocation would do. These can let the user see the world around them.

Engine: Unity

Language: C#

VSR in editor.PNG
VSR Hallway.PNG
VSR in game.PNG

Weight, We're Blocks?

Weight, We're Blocks is a little puzzle game about an orange and a purple block that need to work together to make it to the end.

Engine: Unity2D

Language: C#


Garden Wars

This video is the physical version of the digital game they work in practically the same way


Ely Schirtzinger

Casey Grant

Holly Flink

Project: This was a small physical board game we had made and really wanted to make it into a digital game and it is pretty close to the original other than a couple things we couldn't get to work in digital.

Engine: Unity2D

Language: C#


Co-Worker Throwdown

Co-Worker Throwdown is a top down shooter game where your co-workers are attacking and you need to defend yourself.

Engine: Unity

Language: C#


Save Those Animals


Save Those Animals is a small game where you just infinitely catch animals and set them free. This is a sequel to the game OH HE GOIN' and a prequel to Launch those animals

Engine: Unity 3D​

Language: C#


Level Design

Level Design Tutorials

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